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Monthly Meeting:




Our general meetings are private for MC members and their invited guests.

First time participants, please bring a photo ID with your NRA membership card  or current NRA magazine with mailing label to process your application.


If you are an Active NRA member and you want to make a difference in our battle to preserve our Second Amendment Right please call (415) 566-6080 and leave a message and someone will get back to you (no media). Or use our "Contact Us" form and don't forget to include your name and Contact Phone Number.


The restaurant where we were having our in-person meetings has remodeled to a takke out and delivery only outlet so cannot meet there anymore.


We are looking for a new place to have our in-person meetings. If anyone has any ideas please let us know in the contact us section of this website.


The criterion are as follows: must have an area shut off from other dinners, parking is  very important, prices reasonable, must be open to at least 6pm-9pm on Tueseay nights and is in or near San Francisco. We will need the name and address of the restaurant and, if possible, the owner's name and phone number.


Once you become a member, you will receive Meeting Reminders and Action Alerts. etc. via email. The battle is here and our state is the springboard.


The Councils are not gun clubs but political councils. Our main mission is to fight the anti-gun legislation and educate the public. And have some fun doing it at the same time. The more active members we have the more successes we achieve.


The NRA and the California NRA Members' Councils reserves the right to exclude anyone from their meetings at anytime, for any reason. Having said that, it is a rarity.


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